...your site is really fantastic.
the best highheel site I've ever seen.
beautiful pictures, excellent layout!
I enjoyed browsing...
thanx for this magnificient site.

without making a woman
seem degraded.
Quite the opposite infact.
I will return for updates.
job on your site!
And I agree - eroticism doesn't need nudity, especially when HIGH
HEELS are involved.
the people who have made comments are all men!
there room for a woman who loves them just as much as the men that
adore us wearing them? High heels are what the majority of us women
live for...*lol*.
We love them just as much as the guys for exactly the same reasons.

very impressed.
The layout is nice, the black background adds an air of elegance
to it.
The pictures are incredible.
It's nice to finally find a site dedicated to the beauty of fashion
high heels without having to wade through the explicit junk that
so many other sites throw in your face.
agree with your statement about fashion high heels
very much.
After surfing most sights listed at PGTS, yours is the best, keep
up the good work.
-Rick -
Well done!
must way your site is among the best I have seen.
I would hope for more updates soon.
site and done with taste and a sense of fashion.
"I'll be back"
